जितिया व्रत कथा: एक अद्भुत यात्रा, जहाँ माँ की ममता और राजा जीमूतवाहन की दया से संतान की दीर्घायु का वरदान मिलता है
भूमिका: जितिया व्रत का महत्व
जितिया व्रत हिंदू धर्म में एक महत्वपूर्ण पर्व है, जिसे माताएं अपनी संतान की लंबी आयु और सुखी जीवन के लिए करती हैं। यह व्रत विशेष रूप से उत्तर भारत, बिहार, उत्तर प्रदेश, झारखंड और नेपाल में लोकप्रिय है। जितिया व्रत की पूजा और कथा का विशेष महत्व होता है। इस दिन माताएं अपने बच्चों के अच्छे स्वास्थ्य, लंबी उम्र और समृद्धि की कामना करती हैं।
जितिया व्रत का समय और पूजा विधि (2024)
हिंदू पंचांग के अनुसार, जितिया व्रत आश्विन मास के कृष्ण पक्ष की अष्टमी तिथि को मनाया जाता है। साल 2024 में, यह व्रत 24 सितंबर से शुरू होकर 25 सितंबर को संपन्न होगा। नहाय-खाय 24 सितंबर को होगा और निर्जला व्रत 25 सितंबर को रखा जाएगा। पूजा का शुभ मुहूर्त 25 सितंबर को सुबह 10 बजकर 41 मिनट से लेकर दोपहर 12 बजकर 12 मिनट तक रहेगा। इस दिन माताएं अपने बच्चों की सलामती और दीर्घायु की कामना करते हुए जीमूतवाहन देवता की पूजा करती हैं। पूजा के दौरान जितिया व्रत की कथा सुनना विशेष फलदायक माना जाता है।
जितिया व्रत की महिमा और कथा
जितिया व्रत की कथा हमें माता की ममता और एक राजा की अद्वितीय दयालुता की प्रेरणादायक कहानी सुनाती है। यह कथा न केवल धार्मिक महत्व रखती है, बल्कि यह हमें सिखाती है कि कैसे एक निःस्वार्थ सेवा और दूसरों की भलाई के लिए किया गया प्रयास जीवन में सकारात्मक परिवर्तन ला सकता है।
कहानी की शुरुआत नैमिषारण्य के ऋषियों द्वारा सूतजी से पूछे गए प्रश्न से होती है। उन्होंने जानना चाहा कि कलियुग में संतान की दीर्घायु कैसे संभव हो सकती है। सूतजी ने तब एक प्राचीन कथा सुनाई, जो द्वापर युग के अंत और कलियुग के आरंभ की है।
कथा जीमूतवाहन की अद्भुत दयालुता
जब महाभारत युद्ध समाप्त हो चुका था और द्रोणपुत्र अश्वत्थामा द्वारा अपने बेटों को खो देने के बाद पांडव अत्यंत दुखी थे, तब पुत्र शोक से व्याकुल द्रौपदी ने ब्राह्मण धौम्य से पूछा कि बच्चों की लंबी उम्र के लिए कौन सा उपाय किया जा सकता है। धौम्य ने एक सत्ययुग की कथा सुनाई, जिसमें सत्यवचन, श्रेष्ठ आचरण और समदर्शिता के धनी राजा जीमूतवाहन का उल्लेख किया गया था।
जीमूतवाहन सूर्यवंशी राजा थे, जो अपने महान दया भाव के लिए प्रसिद्ध थे। एक दिन, राजा जीमूतवाहन अपने ससुराल में रह रहे थे। रात के समय, उन्होंने एक वृद्ध माता को अपने बेटे की मृत्यु पर विलाप करते सुना। वह माता बहुत दुःखी थी क्योंकि उसका बेटा गरुड़ द्वारा खा लिया गया था। गरुड़, जो हर दिन गांव के बच्चों को खा जाता था, से वह माता अपने बेटे को नहीं बचा पाई थी।
राजा जीमूतवाहन इस पीड़ा को सुनकर बहुत विचलित हो गए और उन्होंने उस माता को दिलासा दिया। उन्होंने उसे आश्वासन दिया कि वह उसके बेटे को बचाने का प्रयास करेंगे। राजा जीमूतवाहन ने यह ठान लिया कि वह गरुड़ को अपने मांस का भोग देकर बालकों की जान बचाएंगे।
जीमूतवाहन और गरुड़ की भेंट
अगली सुबह, राजा जीमूतवाहन उस स्थान पर पहुंचे, जहाँ गरुड़ रोज आता था। जब गरुड़ वहां पहुंचा और राजा का मांस खाना शुरू किया, तो राजा ने धैर्यपूर्वक अपना दाहिना अंग भी गरुड़ के सामने कर दिया। गरुड़, जो इस अद्वितीय दानशीलता को देखकर आश्चर्यचकित हो गए, ने राजा से पूछा, “तुम कौन हो? क्या तुम कोई देवता हो? तुम्हारी दया और साहस देखकर मैं अचंभित हूं।”
राजा ने उत्तर दिया, “मैं एक सामान्य मानव हूं, मेरा नाम जीमूतवाहन है और मैं सूर्यवंश में जन्मा हूं। मेरे माता-पिता का नाम शैव्या और शालिवाहन है।” गरुड़ राजा की सच्ची सेवा भावना और दया से इतने प्रभावित हुए कि उन्होंने राजा से वरदान मांगने को कहा।
राजा जीमूतवाहन ने वरदान मांगा कि जिन बच्चों को गरुड़ ने अब तक खाया है, वे सभी जीवित हो जाएं और भविष्य में गरुड़ कभी किसी निर्दोष प्राणी को न मारे। गरुड़ ने इस मांग को स्वीकार किया और नागलोक से अमृत लाकर उन सभी मरे हुए प्राणियों को जीवित कर दिया।
इस कथा का महत्व
जितिया व्रत की यह कथा माताओं के लिए अत्यंत प्रेरणादायक है। जीमूतवाहन की निःस्वार्थ सेवा और दया का यह प्रेरणादायक उदाहरण हमें सिखाता है कि जब हम दूसरों के भले के लिए समर्पित होते हैं, तो हमें अद्भुत परिणाम मिलते हैं। इस कथा को सुनने और व्रत करने से न केवल संतान की दीर्घायु होती है, बल्कि उनके जीवन में सुख-समृद्धि और अच्छा स्वास्थ्य बना रहता है।
पूजा की विधि
जितिया व्रत के दिन सुबह स्नान कर स्वच्छ वस्त्र धारण करें। पूजा की तैयारी के लिए एक साफ स्थान पर जीमूतवाहन देवता की मूर्ति या चित्र स्थापित करें। पूजा सामग्री में फूल, धूप, दीप, मिठाई, चावल, हल्दी, कुमकुम आदि रखें। पूजा के दौरान जीमूतवाहन देवता की आराधना करें और जितिया व्रत कथा का श्रवण करें। कथा सुनने के बाद आरती करें और भगवान से संतान की लंबी उम्र और स्वास्थ्य की कामना करें।
व्रत का पालन और इसके लाभ
जितिया व्रत निर्जला व्रत होता है, जिसमें व्रती दिनभर बिना अन्न और जल ग्रहण किए उपवास करती हैं। इस व्रत का पालन अत्यंत कठिन होता है, लेकिन इसके फल अत्यंत शुभ माने जाते हैं। जो महिलाएं इस व्रत को पूरी श्रद्धा और नियमों का पालन करके करती हैं, उनकी संतान को भगवान का आशीर्वाद मिलता है। उनका स्वास्थ्य, समृद्धि और दीर्घायु बनी रहती है।
जितिया व्रत एक पवित्र और महत्वूपूर्ण व्रत है, जो संतान की भलाई और लंबी उम्र के लिए किया जाता है। इस व्रत की कथा हमें यह सिखाती है कि किस प्रकार जीमूतवाहन जैसे राजा की निःस्वार्थ दया और बलिदान से एक पूरी पीढ़ी को जीवनदान मिला। जितिया व्रत की कथा सुनना और इसे पूरी श्रद्धा से पालन करना संतान के लिए अमृत के समान है।
Apply for here Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation has released vacancies only for female teachers in all over India.
Apply for here Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation has released vacancies only for female teachers in all over India.
Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation Has Released Vacancies Only For Female Teachers In all over India. Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation has released vacancies only for female teachers in all over India Urgent Vacancy India For Female Teacher
Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation Educational Institute has bumper recruitment only for female teachers, in this they have to teach the children for only two hours and that too absolutely free
Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation Educational Institute is appointing one female teacher in each village of entire all over India whose minimum honorarium is from 3 thousand to 10 thousand, every teacher will get the responsibility of teaching at least 30 Children’s free of cost
How many female teachers are being appointed by Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation in Bihar state?
In Bihar state, Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation is recruiting a total of 46000 female teachers. The educational institution is recruiting one female teacher in each village. All the teachers are in their respective villages. The best thing about this is that the teachers can teach in their own homes. They don’t need to go anywhere. If there is no space in the teacher’s home, then the teacher can also teach in the Panchayat Bhawan of her village. They don’t need to go anywhere.
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How many female teachers are being recruited by Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation in Jharkhand state?
Jharkhand state is appointing a total of 32520 female teachers. Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation Educational Institute is appointing one female teacher in each village. All the teachers are in their respective villages. The best thing about this is that the teachers can teach in their own homes. They don’t need to go anywhere. If there is no space in the teacher’s home, then the teacher can also teach in the Panchayat Bhawan of her village. They don’t need to go anywhere.
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Apply for here Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation has released vacancies only for female teachers in all over India.
Apply for here Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation has released vacancies only for female teachers in all over India.
Apply for here Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation has released vacancies only for female teachers in all over India.
Apply for here Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation has released vacancies only for female teachers in all over India.
How many female teachers are being recruited by Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation in Rajasthan state?
Rajasthan state is appointing a total of 107753 female teachers. Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation Educational Institute is appointing one female teacher in each village. All the teachers are in their respective villages. The best thing about this is that the teachers can teach in their own homes. They don’t need to go anywhere. If there is no space in the teacher’s home, then the teacher can also teach in the Panchayat Bhawan of her village. They don’t need to go anywhere.
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How many female teachers are being recruited by Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation in Panjab state?
Panjab state is appointing a total of 12581 female teachers. Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation Educational Institute is appointing one female teacher in each village. All the teachers are in their respective villages. The best thing about this is that the teachers can teach in their own homes. They don’t need to go anywhere. If there is no space in the teacher’s home, then the teacher can also teach in the Panchayat Bhawan of her village. They don’t need to go anywhere.
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How many female teachers are being recruited by Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation in West Bengal state?
West Bengal state is appointing a total of 40218 female teachers. Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation Educational Institute is appointing one female teacher in each village. All the teachers are in their respective villages. The best thing about this is that the teachers can teach in their own homes. They don’t need to go anywhere. If there is no space in the teacher’s home, then the teacher can also teach in the Panchayat Bhawan of her village. They don’t need to go anywhere.
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How many female teachers are being recruited by Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation in Uttar Pradesh state?
Odisha state is appointing a total of 16674 female teachers. Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation Educational Institute is appointing one female teacher in each village. All the teachers are in their respective villages. The best thing about this is that the teachers can teach in their own homes. They don’t need to go anywhere. If there is no space in the teacher’s home, then the teacher can also teach in the Panchayat Bhawan of her village. They don’t need to go anywhere.
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How many female teachers are being recruited by Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation in Uttar Pradesh state?
Uttar Pradesh state is appointing a total of 57607 female teachers. Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation Educational Institute is appointing one female teacher in each village. All the teachers are in their respective villages. The best thing about this is that the teachers can teach in their own homes. They don’t need to go anywhere. If there is no space in the teacher’s home, then the teacher can also teach in the Panchayat Bhawan of her village. They don’t need to go anywhere.
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How many female teachers are being recruited by Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation in Chhattisgarh state?
Chhattisgarh state is appointing a total of 20619 female teachers. Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation Educational Institute is appointing one female teacher in each village. All the teachers are in their respective villages. The best thing about this is that the teachers can teach in their own homes. They don’t need to go anywhere. If there is no space in the teacher’s home, then the teacher can also teach in the Panchayat Bhawan of her village. They don’t need to go anywhere.
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How many female teachers are being recruited by Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation in Gujrat state?
Gujrat state is appointing a total of 19171 female teachers. Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation Educational Institute is appointing one female teacher in each village. All the teachers are in their respective villages. The best thing about this is that the teachers can teach in their own homes. They don’t need to go anywhere. If there is no space in the teacher’s home, then the teacher can also teach in the Panchayat Bhawan of her village. They don’t need to go anywhere.
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How many female teachers are being recruited by Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation in Maharashtra state?
Maharashtra state is appointing a total of 44198 female teachers. Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation Educational Institute is appointing one female teacher in each village. All the teachers are in their respective villages. The best thing about this is that the teachers can teach in their own homes. They don’t need to go anywhere. If there is no space in the teacher’s home, then the teacher can also teach in the Panchayat Bhawan of her village. They don’t need to go anywhere.
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How many female teachers are being recruited by Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation in Madhya Pradesh state?
Madhya Pradesh state is appointing a total of 54903 female teachers. Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation Educational Institute is appointing one female teacher in each village. All the teachers are in their respective villages. The best thing about this is that the teachers can teach in their own homes. They don’t need to go anywhere. If there is no space in the teacher’s home, then the teacher can also teach in the Panchayat Bhawan of her village. They don’t need to go anywhere
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How many female teachers are being recruited by Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation in Uttarakhand state?
Uttarakhand state is appointing a total of 16674 female teachers. Kanyadan Kalyan Foundation Educational Institute is appointing one female teacher in each village. All the teachers are in their respective villages. The best thing about this is that the teachers can teach in their own homes. They don’t need to go anywhere. If there is no space in the teacher’s home, then the teacher can also teach in the Panchayat Bhawan of her village. They don’t need to go anywhere.
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What should be the qualification of a teacher?
The qualification of a teacher should be at least 10+2. It means that all teachers should have passed 10th + Intermediate. It is necessary to have at least 2nd division. Any woman who has passed Intermediate from Hindi medium or English medium can apply online. You will get the link to apply within 5 days. So stay connected with us and check our notification regularly or visit our site.
Is there any form fee to apply online?
Yes, whenever a teacher fills the online form, she will have to pay Rs.1111 for the registration form, which you will have to deduct from your account or you can also get it deducted from where you are doing it online, after that a slip will be generated, you have to keep it with you, within a month you will get a notification or a call for the post of teacher.
How to fill the online form?
First of all you have to open the link which you will get. As soon as you open it, the employee registration form will open. There you have to search your name, mobile number, email ID and your post and select the post of teacher. Enter your password which you should always remember. Then you have to submit. As soon as you submit, you will receive an OTP. Enter that OTP and submit it. As soon as you submit, a form will open in front of you. You have to fill it.
How to fill the form?
First of all you have to open the registration form. Read that registration form carefully. In it, you have to enter your parents’ name, what your parents do, your guardian’s name, their Aadhaar card in PDF. And keep a separate PDF of all the other documents. Now first of all, fill in the candidate’s photo, Aadhaar PDF, PAN card, guardian’s Aadhaar card, whatever is asked in the form. After that, check it thoroughly and submit it. As soon as you submit, the option of payment will now come. From there, you have to get the challan cut. After that, a slip will be generated. You have to print it and keep it and at the same time a dummy ID card will be generated. Within a month you will get a call from the
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